Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm trying...!

I don't think I realized that the sun wouldn't ever really look like it's up. It goes up to about 10 o'clock's worth and heads back down! Sunrise is about 9:30, and sunset is at 4:00 today. Different, eh?

I'm going to try to get some pics on today, but we'll see if my computer will let me. It's dying a slow death.

Quick updates on the kids:

Riley is doing great in 5th grade and LOVES to read. She's always got a book in her hand. I love that about her.

Logan just did a diorama for his 3rd grade class on a chapter from Charlotte's Web. It was fun - I did the hot-gluing. I love the way his very practical little mind works.

Emmie is loving Kindergarden. Especially snack and recess time. Those consistently top her list as faves. Today she said to me, "I love Alaska, but I'll always love little old Arkansas."

Carson is such a fierce little man - everything is done full speed ahead as hard as he can. He hugs hard, hits hard, loves hard...you get the point. He's always in trouble and always SO sorry.

Brady loves to sing me songs, and loves to sit down and talk. The latest thing he loves to talk about is his favorite color - green. Last night I told him "that's my favorite color too!" and he answered "me three!" Then told me "my green is red, and my red is purple." Whatever that means. He loves to "hing a hong" = sing a song.

Owen is nine months almost, and fully mobile now. For a long time he could only crawl backwards, but he's corrected that and now nothing stops him. He loves exploring the house and eating old Cheerios that he finds.

Today it's warm - up to about 35 degrees. So compared to five below that's something!

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