Thursday, November 17, 2005

"It berry cold outside, momma!" - Emmie's take on our recent cold front. It went from mid-70's to under 30, and she's used to being able to run right outside in the morning in her pj's.

I rearranged Riley and Logan's room just a bit yesterday and when Ri saw it she said "oh mom, it's just adorable!"

Emmie's sick. Temp just a few minutes ago was 101. She pointed to her throat and said it hurts. So... looks like winter is really here.

Logan is totally into making paper airplanes. He makes like thirty a day. I've told him lately that he can't have anymore unused paper, he has to use stuff that has been used already. Like school papers, sunday school stuff, etc. He makes them out of everything. And he's pretty good! His big deal is to do the wings differently to see how they'll fly... he makes them out of scraps that are no more than an inch or two big. It's a riot.

Riley learned how to play Old Maid the other day. I bought a pack in the dollar section at Target. She beat me right off the bat. I mean, there I am, can't even get my six-year-old to pick the Old Maid out of my hand of cards. That's sad. She beats me at War, Uno, and now Old Maid. I love it. She's the greatest little person, too. She takes any situation and sees the bright side. And then gets Logan excited about it too. (Which isn't easy, if you know Logan.) Logan, for his part, helps keep her feet on the ground. They had a peaceful hour together building a Lego city this afternoon and I was thrilled.

Emmie has this favorite book right now called My Big Brother by Valorie Fisher. It's a great picture book I got her for Christmas last year, and she calls the little boy in it "Lolo", which is still what she calls Logan sometimes. So she'll bring it to me and say "read it to me about Lolo, momma."

They're such great little peeps. Especially right now while they're peacefully asleep and I can remember with great fondness their best moments of the day.

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